Wednesday 2/27/2019 is Blockchain Day at the Capitol
The Colorado Blockchain Council and Task-force sponsors this day is to provide an opportunity for state legislators to learn about Blockchain and its potential impact on Colorado. Governor Polis and many legislators will be in attendance as well as members of the Colorado Technology Association
All are welcome to join to show support for the community and to help show the legislature the rapidly growing community and company base we have here in “cryptorado”!
This is also a fantastic opportunity to meet some of these companies and get educated from the absolute novice, aspiring industry workers, to seasoned blockchain professionals. Please join us!
***We will be in the North and East Foyers of the Capitol Building (the Colorado Technology Association will have the West Foyer)
– Legislators will be showing up to speak between 8-9am
– Governor Polis is speaking at around 9:30
– We will have “Blockchain Expert” badges for those who want to answer questions, ~18 companies exhibiting, and educational opportunities
*** Breakfast and lunch will be served!***
More information:
Firms represented:
Learning Machine
Wampei, Inc
The Movement Dao
RevoKind Inc.
Denver Blockchain
Global Legal Blockchain Consortium and Integra
ALGO Consulting LLC
Colorado Department of Human Services
HackCSU Hackathon